House Organizing

 In order to accomplish this overwhelming task I've decided to tackle one room a month (for small rooms there may be more than one a month). Within each month I will have one area of the room to focus on. Instead of a specific room a month I'll choose one are from a room to do. This will help me have more flexibility in accomplishing other things in the house.  I will post a link to the post when an area is completed.
 Media/Computer Room
Sewing Room
Laundry Room

Living Room
-Games Closet
-Hall drawer
-Under sink
-Dishes cabinets
-Seasonings cabinets
Upstairs Bedrooms
-Master closet
-Master dressers
-Spare Closet
-Spare Room everything else
Spare Room/Family Room
-Spare Closet/rest of room
-Old toys
- School boxes
-Any other boxes
Food Storage Room
-Get rid of anything that's no longer good
-Get rid of uncle's stuff left
-Make room for canning food
-need dad and brother's help
Storage Room
-South Wall
-East Wall
-West Wall
Downstairs Hallway/Bath
-Bath closet
-Christmas decorations